Posts by lewis
The Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry into coronavirus and its impact on people with protected characteristics
Input into MoJ/HMPPS Recovery Planning Process
Additional Evidence for the Women and Equalities Committee on the impact of Coronavirus on BAME people
A Record of Our Own campaign
A Record of Our Own campaign was launched in June 2020 with the purpose to look at the impact of Covid-19 on prisoners from Black, Asian and minority ethnic background, including people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people. In partnership with The Traveller Movement and Partners of Prisoners (POPS), we hope to shed a light…
Read MoreThe Relationship between Civil Society and National Preventive Mechanisms
An International seminar on ‘The Relationship between Civil Society and National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs) was held on 26th June 2020, in partnership with the Irish Penal Reform Trust. The event focused on exploring how civil society should be involved in the establishment of an NPM and the relationships between established NPMs and civil society, based on…
Read MoreHuman Rights and Detention in the time of Covid-19: UK and Ireland
On 30th April 2020 the Zahid Mubarek Trust and the Irish Penal Reform Trust co-organised this online international seminar. It included a presentation from Dr Jens Modvig, Chair of the UN Committee against Torture, followed by responses from UN officials: Professor Sir Malcolm Evans, Dr Elina Steinerte and Mark Kelly. The webinar gathered over 65 participants, including monitoring bodies, civil society advocacy groups and…
Read MoreTackling discrimination in prison: still not a fair response
A joint report by the Zahid Mubarek Trust and the Prison Reform Trust analysed 610 discrimination complaints across eight prisons. The report found that only one in 100 prisoners who made an allegation of discrimination against prison staff had their case upheld by the prison. It represents the first formal study of a discrimination complaints…
Read MoreReport of a review of the implementation of the Zahid Mubarek Inquiry recommendations by HM Inspectorate of Prisons
In June 2014 HM Inspectorate of Prisons published the Thematic Report of the Review of the Implementation of the Zahid Mubarek Inquiry recommendations. The report found that lessons from deaths in custody had not always been effectively acted on or recommendations implemented. It stated that “the usual prison forum for discussing deaths in custody is…
Read MoreRace Equality in Prison: 10 years on from the Keith Report
In January 2016 our Patron Lord Ramsbotham, hosted a stakeholder seminar at the House of Lords to mark the 10th year anniversary since the publication of the Keith report. The Zahid Mubarek Public Inquiry, led by Justice Keith, was concluded by the publication of the report with 88 recommendations. The session aimed at providing an…
Read MoreZahid Mubarek Inquiry
See the full report here: The Zahid Mubarek Inquiry Report
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