Equality map of England and Wales
Either select a prison or click on a map marker to find out more about how each prison is performing in regards to equality.
Equality Chart
wdt_ID | Prison | Address | Category | Date of Report | Incentives and Earned Privilidges (IEP) | Use of force/PAVA | Segregation | Adjudication | Complaints | Staff positions in the equality department | Prisoner Equality Representatives | Equality Team Meetings | Equality Action plan | Forums and Support for Ethnic Minority Prisoners | Discrimination Incident Reporting Forms (DIRFs) | Exernal Scrutiny of DIRF's | Purposeful Activity/Employment |
1 | HMP Altcourse | Brookfield drive, Fazakarley, Liverpool L9 7LH | Cat B Men's | 22/02/2018 | HMIP mentioned it but said there was no analysis of trends | [Led by safer custody and 1 dedicated officer] | [More representatives appointed but limited by covid restrictions] | [Meetings had been taking place but were limited] | [A comprehensive update to the plan but lack of Covid-19 planning] | [Forums were taking place but were limited] | [Small amount of submissions, some responses lacked] | ||||||
2 | HMP Ashfield | ||||||||||||||||
3 | HMP/YOI Askham Grange | ||||||||||||||||
4 | HMP/YOI Aylesbury | ||||||||||||||||
5 | HMP Bedford | ||||||||||||||||
6 | HMP Belmarsh | Western Way, London SE28 0EB | Cat A men's | 21/11/2012 | [Disproportionate incidents on BAME prisoners] | [Disproportionate use for BAME and Muslim prisoners] | [No evidence of data analysis] | [Senior manager leads for PC groups]. No progression | [representatives identified but lack of direction] | [prison lacked multidiscipline equality meeting] | [Out of date strategy and no meeting for action planning] | [Forums were taking place but were limited] | [Quality of investigation mixed] | Prison not monitoring time out of cell for PC | |||
7 | HMP Berwyn | ||||||||||||||||
8 | HMP Birmingham | ||||||||||||||||
9 | HMP/YOI Brinsford | New Rd, Featherstone, Wolverhampton WV10 7PY | Cat B & C men's YOI | 21/11/2030 | [Muslim prisoners overrepresented on standard level] | [Oversight was poor] | [Disproportionate use determinded - Age and ethnicity] | [BAME prisoners over-represented] | [New senior manager appointed] | [Representatives present on units] | [Monthly meetings good but limited] | [New strategy and action plan but not well informed by prison needs] | [Forums taking place but could be better] | [Small amount of submissions, responses good and timely] | There was no internal or external quality assurance] | ||
10 | HMP Bristol |